When you think about ghosts where do you think they inhabit? Is it in another state, another country, around the corner or in your own home? I’ve been DYING to go to New Orleans and guess what? IM HERE. I’ve been on this “ghost/ paranormal” journey for what seems like, five years? I’ve tried to not acknowledge the in between so to speak for years, but it’s time to put on the big girl pants and not turn a blind eye to the possibility. I’ve had too many bangs and the “other” feelings to say otherwise. Heck, I’ve had tech go on the fritz because of it. Dauphine Hotel has an over flow of it all. However, I heard that Bloody Mary is the place to go for ghost tours and it very own voodoo store and museum. Tonight, we are going to try to see if the ghosties want to talk. I’ll let you know if I’m successful.
As Always Keep on Brewin